Foreign Wives Are Better
Marriages fail more in the industrialized nations. Let the statistics speak for this. Marriage between say American men and women fail at a rate of 60%. Marriage between American men and foreign women is 20%. 60 verses 20 percent is quite shocking. What is happening here? If I had to say one cause that is more than any other, I would say it is a cultural phenomenon. American culture has changed and part of that change has affected the dynamic of the family structure. During WWII it was necessary for women to fill in for men in areas that were always done my men. Once you let the rabbit out of the hat it is almost impossible to put it back. This led to the feminist movement... and whether you love it or hate it doesn't change the fact that this movement changed our society, and this change had far reaching repercussions including marriage.
Before the feminist movement women felt that getting and caring for a family was the ultimate goal for themselves. After the feminist movement an ever growing percentage of women felt that a career was as important as having a family. The feminist movement changed the dynamic to where women felt compelled to have a career. This led to the point where many people today, men and women would look down on a 'homemaker'. Perceptions change. I'm not saying that this alone is responsible for making American women bad wife material, but it is a factor. Another factor, as I was saying is perception. Women perceived whether consciously or subconsciously that they are considered less valuable as workers, whether or not this was actually the case it still had the same affect. Women felt they needed to prove themselves, they now consider most men with a suspicious eye... like a man is always trying to get something from them. It's so bad today that if a man is nice to an American woman or buys her a gift, the women will automatically think that the man is trying to 'buy her love'.
If you don't believe me then try it out. I know most of you guys out there love to spoil your women, but the next time you date an American women for the first time don't buy her things, don't agree with her, don't tell her how beautiful she is. In general be a jerk. You will be surprised at the results. I tried this myself and went from getting burned by every American woman I dated to getting one that fell in love with me. It's shocking and depressing at the same time. In order to keep an American woman would require that I become someone else. That was unacceptable. Because of that reason alone I decided to try finding a foreign wife. My reasoning was that perhaps the 'madness' afflicting American women probably wouldn't infect someone from a totally different culture. After doing some research I chose the Philippines as the location of my next wife. It's now many years later and can honestly say I was right. I have an awesome wife who I can be myself with.
Some of you may call for my head to be violently removed, just let me say that not all American women make bad wives, there are just not that many left and they are hard to find. If you don't find a good wife by the end of college then you're pretty much out of luck. There are so many age 30+ guys out there just now realizing that the pool of available American women is a scary mess. Finding a good one is like playing a slot machine where the odds are tilted for you to lose. It is a severe challenge to find any single American women over the age of 25 without heaping loads of baggage or with a bunch of kids. On the contrary, most of the single girls in the Philippines are still virgins no matter what age. My advice to the younger men out there... if you find a good American girl in high school or college, do everything possible to keep her. For all you guys like myself... I strongly suggest you stop wasting time with American women and concentrate of finding a foreign wife.