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The Top Fruits for Antioxidant Value

"Did you take your vitamins?" How often did we hear that as a child? One might not be surprised these days, however, to hear parents ask their children if they took their antioxidants today. As foods rich in antioxidants gain more press, so you see more products touted with high health value - fruits parents as well as children should consider eating.

Antioxidants are beneficial to the body because they can aid in the elimination of free radicals - bacterias known to cause damage to joints and flexibility, as well as contribute to debilitating illnesses. This is not to say antioxidants can cure diseases, but a health diet and exercise regimen, coupled with a daily intake of antioxidant rich foods, may assist the body in a healthy, prolonged life.

To take advantage of these benefits, it's necessary to know which fruits are high in antioxidants. They may be enjoyed as is or in juice blends, smoothies or other types of supplements. People with dietary concerns, however, will want to consult a doctor before embarking on a rigorous diet program.

Fruits known to fall into this range include:

    Acai berries - touted as a super food, acai ranks high on the ORAC antioxidant scale and is growing in popularity as an additive to smoothies and snacks.
    Black Chokeberries - also known as the aronia berry, the quinic acid contained within combines with antioxidant properties to help with urinary problems.
    Blueberries - delicious and tart, blueberries can assist with urinary infections and eliminating free radicals known to cause memory loss
    Kiwi - rich in vitamins, kiwi can promote good cardiovascular health
    Apricots - apricots are high in antioxidants and beta-carotene, which is helpful for improving eyesight
    Purple Grapes - these sweet fruits contribute to the antioxidant content of red wine, and are just as potent on their own
    Pomegranates - a high polyphenol count makes pomegranates a staple for the dieter interested in good health

Whether alone or combined in a juice, these fruits offer the body a healthful alternative to sugary snacks, and can help promote good interior health. Be sure to look for these in the produce section for your daily antioxidant dosage.

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