The first letter to your bride
If you follow our warning tips and instructions, based on many years of experience, you'll achieve success very soon.
• STEP 1: Be friendly and polite. You should use friendly and polite words in your letter because it's very important to show your respect to your Russian bride. You'd better don't use nicknames and phrases like: "Hey baby" or "My hot girl" in your very first introductory letter, it's better to make a pleasant compliment for her instead. Don't worry if you really like using these words you can do it a bit later. Just wait till lady opens up for you.
• STEP 2: Keep your tone upbeat. Your letter should reflect your great mood and optimism. If you tell your future Russian bride about your difficulties, problems and complaints in your very first letter, it will definitely scare her away. Show her how happy and cheerful you are. You should understand that negativity is a major turnoff in your introduction letter. In the contrary, being positive is like a magnet. This is the example how one man began his letter: "To be quite honest, I have been putting this off as long as possible. I have friends who use dating web-sites and have had some terrible dates." This begs to ask, "what are you doing here?" And compare that with this introductory letter: "I've heard online dating is a great way to meet awesome people and that's why I want to meet you." Which one of these letter intros is more attractive? The one who wants to date "losers" or the one that wants to date "winners"? Psychologically everyone wants to be a winner. Consequently in yourvery first letter, avoid everything negative. Be positive.
• STEP 3: Share information about yourself that you think others will find interesting. Check her profile, find out about her hobbies and interests. Just imagine how it will be great if she finds out that you have so much in common.
• STEP 4: Tell the person who you are and what you are about. It will be better if you don't speak about your disadvantages in your introduction letter. In the contrary you could tell her only good things about yourself, but it's utter important to know where to stop, or else your story will look like a boasting and this won't bring positive results. Here are some phrases that will help you to describe you in a best way:
- My best friend describes me as...
- I'm happiest when I'm...
- Here's what you'd find if you looked around my place...
- A great day in my life would include...
- The last great book I read was...
- The last great movie I saw in a cinema was...
- My favorite season is...
- The color I wear most is...
- If you asked me what I'm wearing, I'd say...
- My favorite on-screen love scene is...
- The music that moves me most is...
- This morning in my car I was listening to...
- Last Saturday night I...
- The last vacation I went on was...
- The most adventurous thing I've ever done was...
- I'm happiest when I'm with someone who...
• STEP 5: Include information about your age, education and career. In accordance with statistics these three things are the most important to learn about for 80 % of ladies.
• STEP 6: You can tell about pets, favourite books, hobbies, children or anything else that might reveal a shared interest with in your new friend.
• STEP 7: Don't talk about some debatable topics. Not in a first letter. Debates and argues can be a very interesting thing to share in your letters, but only if you've already become closer to each other.
• STEP 8: Try not to overload the reader with too much information. Revealing a little bit at a time will pique the reader's interest. Remember that there must be a little secret not only in a lady but in a man as well. You'll reach great results if you make your lady wait for the next chapter of your story impatiently.
• STEP 9: Ask your future Russian bride questions so she can respond. If you speak only about yourself in your letter this won't help you at all. Remember that it's so important to have a dialog instead of monologue.
• STEP 10: Let your personality show by your choice of words and the descriptions you use.
Tips & Warnings.
• Remember not to share too much too soon. You should wait until she knows you before you reveal your family secrets and problems.
• Use careful judgment when deciding how much information to share with a stranger. Always be cautious when it comes to revealing personal information.