The Amazing Coconut tree-look at the bend!


 The Amazing tree

The Amazing of Benefits of Coconut Water

There is a very magical tree that originated in the South Pacific that made its way by sea all over the world to the best places to live. I always thought that wonderful treat at the supermarket was just a nut from a coconut tree. It turns out I couldn't be more wrong. The coconut is actually the world's largest seed. The coconut we all enjoy is a seed from the prolific coconut palm tree. I say it is prolific because the way it spread all over the world was by growing next to the ocean and dropping its seeds into the current. Those seeds washed anywhere the weather was nice. Its prolific and smart. The natives first discovered the tree named it in Sanskrit (translated)"the tree that gives all that is needed for life". The natives knew the benefits of coconut water when drank, they used the seed as a bowl to eat from, they burned the husks and made twines and even huts from this amazing tree. Almost every piece from the coconut palm tree was utilized by the natives.

What made me decide to sit down and write a piece about coconuts? I will tell you. I was in the grocery store the other day and I was in the juice aisle. I saw a new brand and decided to give it a try, that brand was coconut water. After letting it chill in the fridge and almost forgetting about it my thirst drove me back in the kitchen. I am an internet executive so I spend a lot of hours online and only get off the net to eat, drink and used the bathroom. Sometimes just use the bathroom. I live a very fast paced life and I am always on the lookout for new "healthy" options when it comes to carbs. Sitting in a chair in my office is not often conducive to having exemplary thighs. Don't get me wrong I am no slouch I have my thigh master going as I do reports and the weights on my ankles. I tried drinking sport drinks first, then energy drinks and then vegetable juice. Each had its drawbacks from becoming jittery, tasting bad and containing way too much salt. However, there's none of these bad traits present in coconut water, and the benefits of coconut water are numerous. I found out that It is 100% made by nature from water filtering through the husk. Not only organic but one of nature's purest inventions. The water is 100% sterile, fat and cholesterol free, contains half as much sodium as conventional sport drinks and is a great source of potassium.

If this has not convinced you yet here are some other proven results from drinking coconut water. It effects your health and fitness by speeding up your metabolism, has only 5mg of natural sugar (great for diabetics), balances your body's PH, balances your thyroid and has been even known to fight off bacterial, fungal and even viruses. It is sometimes used to combat the worst virus of all - AIDS. If you are in the market for a juice that not only tastes great but offers almost unlimited health benefits try 100% pure and natural coconut water today. I will give you a hint where to start your research. Check out how coconut water was used during WWII by American GI's and you will see how amazing this nature made juice is and always will be.

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