River Mouth-God creativity


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How to Become Psychic - 3 Advanced Techniques for Psychic Development at Any Age

In this article we are going to take a quick and easy look at a few simple strategies for enhancing, augmenting or improving your psychic ability. The beauty of each of these approaches is that they can be done from home, don't require a lot of study or preparation, and aren't contingent on buying any expensive products, programs or "gurus" to see real results as well.

Filed Under: Vipassana Meditation

There are a number of different types of mediation that are very good for helping to cultivate psychic abilities. In my mind, (no pun intended!) there are 2 that are much more effective than others, and that have helped me develop, improve and refine my own intuition in ways I never thought possible.

The first is Vipassana mediation, which is the mediative technique most frequently associated with the original teachings of the Buddha. As a matter of fact, much of the early Buddhist "scripture" (or teachings" is a more appropriate word for Buddhists) talk about the various types of psychic abilities, and powers and even the supernatural entities that can be cultivated from Vipassana. (which are called Siddhi's, and can be attained with continuous practice)

Filed Under: Kriya Meditation

Ever hear of the book "Autobiography of a Yogi"? It's considered one of the great spiritual texts of the last 100 years, and was written by Yogananda, a well loved spiritual "warrior" who traveled the globe with his message of peace... AND incredible psychic and paranormal feats. (including such things as bilocation, psychic precognition, past life recall, levitation and all sorts of amazing things that you have to read yourself to fully appreciate)

The funny thing is, if so many people didn't know, deeply love and respect Yogananda and witness much of what he described in the book, lots of this stuff would sound like a fairy-tale. It's not... and my own personal experience with Kryia meditation has taught me that extraordinary experiences ARE available to ordinary people like myself.

Filed Under: Spiritual Tools and Techniques

I know this is a controversial subject for many, but in my own life... it has transformed much of what I believed possible, and much of what I've been able to accomplish as a writer, researcher and paranormal publisher... AND amateur psychic myself. Using binaural beats, for example... which is a specific type of sound technology, has allowed me to have incredible experiences with past life recall, remote viewing and precognition.

Experimenting with a ouija board and using a psychomanteum (mirror gazing) has helped me have first hand experiences with spirit communication that I wouldn't believe if I hadn't been there myself. And of course, getting involved with psychic meet-ups and community groups and having regular readings myself every month has not only helped me accelerate and grow from a spiritual perspective, it's enabled my OWN intuition and precognitive abilities to EXPLODE with each new experience to boot.

These are adventures that have changed my life in more ways than I can count... and if you are truly curious about your OWN psychic potential, I invite you, and challenge to try them all for yourself!


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