Some laughing picture- You must laugh this moments!1

Laugh Yourself to Better Health

How many times have you heard, laughter is the best medicine? Did you see the movie Patch Adams? Patch Adams is a real doctor who believes humor can be healthy. Laughter and humor have been linked to better health physically and psychologically. I would like my doctor to write me a prescription for laughter as needed throughout the day.

A good belly laugh can really center a person. Have you ever been with friends or family and the laughter and humor is flowing without effort and for those moments any depression or pain that may have been weighing you down are are centered, unencumbered. If only you could keep that feeling forever.

There have been studies that have shown a link between humor, laughter and positive attitude with improved health and improved self esteem. There was a study done where undergrad college students answered questions on a Coping Humor Scale (CHS) and the Situational Humor Response Questionnaire (SHRQ). They found that those with the highest scores had lower levels of loneliness, depression and stress. They also had higher self esteem. They deduced that students with a sense of humor perceived themselves as having a higher quality of life.

Humor has been used in different settings and for different reasons. One group of people that were studied were Midwestern females in their 50's diagnosed with breast cancer. The patients were asked about the coping mechanisms that they used for depression and pain. Topping the list was prayer and spiritual healing. After prayer was support groups, humor and massage. These coping mechanisms fall under something called complementary therapy (CT). CT is those things that may not heal or cure but make us feel better. Of course humor alone cannot heal a disease. But used in conjunction with conventional medicine, CT can alleviate pain and negative feelings.

As a paramedic, I have transported thousands of patients and humor has been a tool, in my med bag, that I used when I felt is was appropriate. There have also been times in my career, when working with a new medic and the inexperienced partner pulls humor from the bag at just the wrong time. Believe me it can be disastrous. When the patient doesn't laugh and the family gives a disapproving stare...that is when damage control and a heart felt apology is required.

I believe in humor as a mental health staple. Everyday we need people around us who make us smile and lend some laughter to our day. An apple a day may be healthy but a laugh a day can give you immediate gratification.

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