What Are Bangla Natoks Online?
Bangla is the language of the country of Bangladesh. It's and Indo-Arayan language spoken by the inhabitants of Eastern part of the Indian Subcontinent. Bangla is the primary language of the country of Bangladesh and the Indian states of West Bengal and Tripura. Bangla is also a secondary language in the Indian states of Assam and Meghalaya. These regions altogether are called "the Bengal" hence the name Bay of Bengal. You may know from seeing those yellow and white tigers at your local zoo called Bengal tigers.
The Bengali culture is one of the richest cultures in the world. The Himalaya Mountains have protected the Bengalis from invading forces which allowed Bengalis to develop their rich culture unlike their Punjabi and Pakhtoon counterparts of Western India. Bengalis developed the arts and literature to an advanced level throughout history and in doing so they have developed natoks. Natoks are basically "dramas" in the Bangla language. Natoks can be stage dramas or TV dramas.
Bangla natoks are one of the primary entertainments of the Bengal. Natoks have many themes such as comedy, actions, love, romance, etc. Natoks are written everyday and it's a big industry in Bangladesh and in West Bengal. Bengalis who live abroad in the Western countries, called Probashis, pay good money to see these natoks in VHS and DVD format rented from local grocery stores. Some small companies have invested good money to have them published them online for Probashis to view. The idea of Bangla natoks have been brought abroad to be produced in Canada and in UK. "Amader Shopnoloke" which means our dream land, written and directed by Rezaur and Surma Rahman, is a Bangla natok produced by local Bangladeshi-Canadians. Another Bangla natok called "Shopno Jibon" which means dream life is produced in UK by the Bengali TV station Channel S.
Throughout the last decade, Bangladeshi directors have shifted their concentration of producing Bangla natoks themes from the village life to the urban life. Also, within the last decade Bangla natoks have evolved to Bangla drama serials, and they are now produced to get the audience to be hungry for more in the same story. Big drama serials such as "69" produced by Mustafa Sarwar Faruki, was the first Bangla drama serial successfully made that motivated other Bangladeshi directors to produce their own drama serials.
So, next time when you hear the word natok or Bangla natok you will know what they are.
The Bengali culture is one of the richest cultures in the world. The Himalaya Mountains have protected the Bengalis from invading forces which allowed Bengalis to develop their rich culture unlike their Punjabi and Pakhtoon counterparts of Western India. Bengalis developed the arts and literature to an advanced level throughout history and in doing so they have developed natoks. Natoks are basically "dramas" in the Bangla language. Natoks can be stage dramas or TV dramas.
Bangla natoks are one of the primary entertainments of the Bengal. Natoks have many themes such as comedy, actions, love, romance, etc. Natoks are written everyday and it's a big industry in Bangladesh and in West Bengal. Bengalis who live abroad in the Western countries, called Probashis, pay good money to see these natoks in VHS and DVD format rented from local grocery stores. Some small companies have invested good money to have them published them online for Probashis to view. The idea of Bangla natoks have been brought abroad to be produced in Canada and in UK. "Amader Shopnoloke" which means our dream land, written and directed by Rezaur and Surma Rahman, is a Bangla natok produced by local Bangladeshi-Canadians. Another Bangla natok called "Shopno Jibon" which means dream life is produced in UK by the Bengali TV station Channel S.
Throughout the last decade, Bangladeshi directors have shifted their concentration of producing Bangla natoks themes from the village life to the urban life. Also, within the last decade Bangla natoks have evolved to Bangla drama serials, and they are now produced to get the audience to be hungry for more in the same story. Big drama serials such as "69" produced by Mustafa Sarwar Faruki, was the first Bangla drama serial successfully made that motivated other Bangladeshi directors to produce their own drama serials.
So, next time when you hear the word natok or Bangla natok you will know what they are.