Amazing Pakistani girls wallpaper- Most Beautiful Collection

Pakistani beautiful girls Photos
Pakistani beautiful girls Photos

Pakistani beautiful girls PhotosPakistani beautiful girls Photos 

Pakistani beautiful girls Photos

Society and Culture of Pakistan Vis-a-Vis Women and Girls

The society is Pakistan is highly protective of women and girls. Sex is a taboo subject for good women and they are not supposed to speak about it or seek it before their marriage. The society encourages women to pursue higher learning and other economically empowering avenues; however it prohibits any type of exposure and beautification that encourages sexual attraction. Any type of nudity in public is treated as a sinful act and it is punishable by law.

A Glimpse In The Life Of Women In Pakistan

As long as women appreciate and accept their position as subservient to man, the woman has nothing to fear in Pakistan. There are laws that protect her rights within the home and outside, but she has to be subject to a male, whether he is her father, son or husband. Marriages are usually arranged between two families and the girl is chosen by the elders of the would-be husband's family. On the marriage day, the girl is asked whether she accepts to marry by the priests and only after hearing her consent is the marriage solemnized.

When women go out of the house for shopping, work or studies she is expected to behave modestly. A married woman should not go outside the house without the permission of her husband. In most parts of Pakistan a woman would need to wear burkha (pradah) which is a black full length gown - when she leaves the home and any type of exposure is treated as indecent. In the house women usually wear salwar kameez and cover their heads with dupata (a long cloth that is also use to cover the upper body of a woman).

In some of the cities the Western culture has been tolerated and women go without the burkha. However, they need to behave modest and always act subservient to man when in public or at home. A woman's first duty remains the happiness of her husband and it is her duty to see that he is successful in whatever he does. This is why she is even expected to accept a second wife or more if she cannot bear children or a male heir for her husband.

The society in Pakistan is highly patriarchal with the father or husband being the head of the family. His word is to be respected and obeyed by all in his household. The wife is treated as a consultant and confidante in most cases but she has no decision power.

The Western Effect

Gradually the rigidity of the religious laws is loosening with the adaptation of Western culture in the modern cities of Pakistan. Joint families have been replaced with nuclear families in the cities and men are willing to treat their wives and daughters with more respect. However, the last word in still that of a man's and he is still considered the head of the family even in the cities.

The women are however, permitted to educate themselves and work which is a good sign since education is the best path towards economic empowerment; which is turn would be able to encourage women to be respected more in the society.

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