There Is Hope for Everybody
Everybody deserves a partner and a match. Not just the young and beautiful. Various dating sites over the years have proven that there is a market for those who are not model material right off the cat walk. There are sites for the marriage experienced - recycled- and senior candidates. An American association of retired people has a whole site of dating advice dedicated to that target group. Clever business people whiffed this niche market potential all along. One of the latest new sites I found today is a HIV Dating Site. It offers Free Lifetime Premium Membership to Next 50,000 New Members. The irony for me lies in the term "lifelong membership". Is it me or is it macabre? According to Google rankings, it is one of the most popular HIV dating sites. How many are there?
A while ago I reported about a dating site for the ugly. Who would consider himself/herself outright ugly and admit as such on a public dating site, I wondered? But according to further research and a new website called directly affiliated with Cupid in their name, lack of good looks may actually work in favor of women. The more men disagree about the looks of a woman, the more appealing or interesting they find her --and it brings out the protector in them. The owner of a personalized matchmaking service--like the one I owned in Ireland- is certain that the quirks and personality in a woman attracts a man just as much as her looks. Women who are too beautiful may intimidate a male ego.
There is a plethora of other niche sites for the ugly, the overweight, the vertically challenged, religious minded, cougars and now people who are cheating openly. There are sufficient choices to take your pick from. Speed dating events online now offer an alternative: leave your home and really make some effort to meet a live person in the flesh. Another site caters to certain spiritual needs of their clients and local news blog about town have matches in your neighborhood. Senior citizens, i.e. the over fifties or more euphemistically called baby boomers, have their outlet to turn to. If all of that is not enough choice, you can recruit the direct help of "your" God though the venue of a dating site and for a fee of course. He has a soul mate, your personal match for you in mind. I hope he doesn't get confused about people's handle names. So there is hope for everybody.