Top 7 Ways You May Accidentally Turn Him Off
Many men out there aren't entirely too picky when it comes to an attractive women who has a decent personality. So long as you keep your cool, be somewhat of a tease, and hold fast to your beliefs and morals; he will respect, admire, and most likely pursue you regardless.
However, there are a few ways that women can just as easily flip the 'off switch' on a man - sometimes unknowingly, and/or unintentionally.
Don't let these minor slip-ups happen to you, armor yourself beforehand with the knowledge you need if you aim to truly own his heart and have him fall in love with you.
1. Being His Best 'Mate' -
In other words, 'being one of the guys.'
It is perfectly fine to hang out with him and his male cohorts from time to time - just don't start punching his gut, creating flatulence, or cussing nonstop like a drunken sailor unless you want him to view you in the same way he views his friends, and not his girlfriend.
2. Friends with Benefits -
On the same token, you also don't want to be just another friend who gives in to sex too easily. Men appreciate the thrill of the chase, if he views you as a woman worth pursuing, he will value the sexual tension more so than a fly-by-night kind of thing.
3. Too Predictable -
If you choose to settle for 'friends-with-benefits'; 9 times out of 10, he will not take it any further.
Once his curiosity for your sexual side has been satiated he will no longer ponder you with the same mysterious intrigue he did in the beginning, and view any further encounters with you in a more predictable light.
Place your sexual tension on a higher standard by not giving in too easily. Slowly feed his appetite with subtle teasing and flirtation.
Once the both of you are ready, you feel honest and real feelings of love from him and not just a strong attraction, you may then choose whether to get frisky beneath the sheets.
4. Jealous Attempts -
As previously stated, men enjoy the thrill of a chase - however, this does not mean that he will appreciate you gallivanting around with different men in the process. If he senses that his competition is too stiff, and that you may be more interested in someone else, he will not waste his time.
5. Digging In -
If you really want to win him over, the best way to NOT do this is if you constantly nag, criticize, moan, or dig in to his qualities that you dislike and don't care for. Learn to love him for who he is, not for who he could be.
We all have our flaws and minor drawbacks, don't let these petty occurrences ruin what chance you may have.
6. Second-Guessing Yourself -
Be confident! A man who truly loves you will be there by your side if need be, however - he will learn to love and admire you so much more if you can take command of your life, and walk with a stride of determination towards your goals.
If you second-guess yourself; your actions and your words - you will leave him with a sense of uncertainty and possibly even confusion, which will ultimately give off the wrong vibe.
7. Not Watching His 'Six' -
A man will learn to grow comfortable, open up more, and begin to trust you quicker if he knows without a doubt that you will always be there for him as well. Just as he would likely do for you. Be there for him through his times of need, stand up for him in any situation, and always have his back.
This kind of reliant action will build a priceless bond of trust between the two of you that goes beyond words!