Tips for Women - 4 Things You Need To Know About HIPAA Training
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act in the United States was enacted in 1996 and is generally known as HIPAA. The first part of this Act ensures the insurance coverage protection of workers who lose or change their jobs. The second section deals with the establishment and standardization of national levels of electronic health care, as well as the security and private issues of any health information which is transmitted electronically. The two aspects together are designed to encourage the use of electronic data to be used to send patient information from one facility to another quickly and effectively.
Classroom Teaching
In line with the precepts of HIPAA, there are many facilities which offer a variety of medically related training programs for both men and women. These courses are taught either in physical locations with highly qualified instructors, or online. Those courses which are located in a physical space, such as a lecture room or specially designed training facility are generally quite expensive. This is because the teaching unit will have numerous overhead expenses, over and above those of rent for the space, but also for the salaries and related worker expenses incurred for the instructors, administration staff, cleaners and the like.
Online Teaching
Those courses taught online have none of these related expenses, as once the program has been written for the specific module and it has been accepted and accredited as conforming to the precepts of HIPAA, it can be sold over and over again at no extra cost. Clearly, too, the fact that the courses are taught in cyberspace with no human teachers or physical equipment in most cases reduces the cost to a symbolic and very small amount which is affordable to almost anyone.
Important Online Courses
The 5 most useful courses which are chosen by online students who would like to study according to HIPAA training are:
• First Aid and CPR Training
• Infection Control
• Aseptic Training Techniques
• Disaster Preparedness
• Handling of Hazardous Materials
Other Courses
The less popular courses which are generally chosen by those students, who have already studied the more popular and ultimately useful courses, include the following topics:
• Blood pathogens
• Introduction to the Operating Room (OR)
• Spotting Neglect, Assault and Abuse
• Care for the Aged
• Fire Safety Management
It is to be noted that the training programs of the above listed courses is done in conjunction with the rules of HIPAA in relation to their implementation, awareness, security and privacy as promulgated in the The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.
A certificate of qualification and ability is given to every student on completion on their course of study and the passing of the appropriate examination, which holds the same sway as a certificate earned in a physical facility. This certificate can be printed on your computer and is proof of your having completed the training program and having passed any and all tests in respect of the course you have studied.
For more information please visit our First Aid Training and HIPAA Training in Colorado web pages.