Women Love Crazy Guys
There are all kinds of men with all kinds of personalities. However, the more of an interesting character you are, the easier it is in your life to succeed. Especially, the easier it is to succeed with attracting women. In the ideal case, we would all be these cool guys everybody looks up to, but that's just not possible. Luckily that's might not even such a bad thing because we need variety in life and if it weren't for these uninteresting, bland, obnoxious people, everybody would be the same. Life would be pretty much boring and every date would be dull.
Every man, including me, wants to excel in a woman's eyes. Every one of us has a personality (if it's now good or bad) that differs from the others. However, some guys don't even know how they excel in a woman's eyes - they just do it and that's all! But how? How is it possible, that a guy, whose appearance is far below average, still has a gorgeous girlfriend?
The reason for it is actually simple. He has something that you might lack. He is probably very active, does many fulfilling things and probably has a hobby he totally loves. Actually, aren't we all like that? But still, the difference is that he has a beautiful girlfriend and you don't. So why is that?
Recently a very gorgeous girl said to me, that she is attracted to guys who are a bit crazy. That got me thinking and I wanted to test it. So I started to behave a bit crazy around her and it worked like a charm. These crazy, unpredictable behaviors you demonstrate to a woman make her heart beat a little faster and give her a rush of excitement. So what exactly are these crazy and unpredictable things? You probably already have your own ideas but here are some of mine.
Here are two examples from me:
1. We were watching TV at 1 a.m. with a girl at my place. Suddenly I jump up and yell "Let's go!" Before she can react to it in any way, I take her by the hand and drag her to the pool for a swim. That's not only extremely exiting for a woman but romantic as well. Very few women have done something that spontaneous and fun. Swimming at the middle of the night just like that, it's fun.
2. When walking out of the cinema at 12 a.m. one night, I made a suggestion to a girl to do something fun. So I took her to a construction site (I have my connections), where there was this building with a marvelous view over the whole city. You could see the street lights, people walking by and the whole sky from there and from the expression on her face I saw that she loved it. This was one trip to the movies for her, she will never forget.
The thing about these spontaneous ideas is that there is no need to go over the top, keep it simple and fun. Do simple thing but try to make them memorable and exiting - this is what women love the most. This kind of actions makes her come back for more and she can't wait to see you again just to experience something fun and surprising.