7 Techniques I Highly Recommend That Will Powerfully Attract Men Like a Magnet!
Do you often feel lonely and confused as to why you haven't found a decent man yet?
Are you worried you won't be able to find one quick enough, or perhaps your just about ready to give up dating altogether?
Whatever the case may be, all hope is not lost and I'll tell you why - love is meant to be a crazy game of odds and ends. Whereas in the world of dating - you win some, you lose some and it is what it is.
So before you begin to stress out and concern yourself over wanting and needing a man to fulfill your happiness; ask yourself whether it is truly necessary. The more you can relax and be 'down - to - Earth', the easier and better time you will have in pursuit of that goal.
The following 7 techniques are the most effective (in my experience), as well as the best compilation of dating maneuvers available in today's dating world (in my opinion).
Feel free to add your own touch of personality to each of the following, and remember to have fun!
Technique #1: Be all You Can Be -
What man wouldn't be interested in a woman who takes pride in her appearance? Be the best YOU that you can be and don't be afraid to 'go all out' for date night. Maintain your hygiene (hair, teeth, nails), lightly spray yourself with your favorite fragrance, and wear an outfit that compliments your figure!
Technique #2: Always Have Your Back -
Men are also attracted to a strong woman who knows how to handle her business, come what may. Be independent so that you are able to support yourself (this will take a huge burden off of him in the beginning once he realizes you are NOT desperate, needy, and reliant on others).
Be sure you are ready to jump back into the world of love both mentally, emotionally, financially, and physically.
Technique #3: Live Up To Your Name -
No need to change for anyone - including any potential men. You want to attract a man who will be interested in who you are both inside and out. If you fake being someone your not because you think he will like you more, it will not stand the test of time, ultimately leading to heartbreak for both sides.
Technique #4: Realize, Accept, and Radiate Your Worth -
Without letting this technique go to your head (you don't want to come off as cocky or conceited), most men seem to gravitate towards a woman that radiates confidence. Be proud of your accomplishments and be comfortable in your own skin regardless of what flaws and shortcomings you may have.
Nobody is perfect no matter how expensive their attire or the quality of their appearance, so accept what you have to work with and flaunt your best features!
Technique #5: Mask Yourself In Mysticism -
You want to give him something to think about after the date is done, plus - there is all the time in the world to discuss the details. So for now, keep your conversations with him strictly natural and care-free. No need to babble on just to avoid any awkward silence, or smother him with your excessive feelings of adoration just yet - give it time.
Technique #6: Be a Master of Seduction -
This is where a lot of women trip themselves up because they are unsure how to tap into their sensual side. As a woman, we all naturally possess this - some simply need a little more coaxing to bring theirs to the surface.
There are a variety of ways to flirt with your man; make eye contact, smile, give him a wink - these among several others, will let him know indirectly that you are into him, boosting his libido in the process!
Technique #7: Have The Time of Your Life -
Dating, love, and relationships are meant to be enjoyable, liberating, and exciting - so try not to sabotage those good feelings with your worries of rejection, disappointment, or any other negative emotion.
Don't be just another stereotypical 'girl' - interact with him, let your hair down, play video games, tell jokes, hang out at a sports bar, and the list could go on and on. Heck, the fact that you are into sports and can drink a beer would be enough to make most men want you, or at least strike a conversation - so get out there and try!
Make every man in the room do a double take as soon as you walk through the door, and watch as they practically compete with each other for your attention!