4 Mistakes to Avoid to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back
Albert Einstein said "You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew."
I wrote this article to help men change the way they think when trying to get their ex girlfriend back, because using the same thinking that got you in the predicament in the first place will bring you the same results.
With that in mind let's get on with the 5 most common mistakes men make when trying to get their ex girlfriend back.
The first mistake that many men make when trying to get their ex girlfriend back is displaying neediness and insecurity
Nothing drives women away from a man more than displays of neediness and insecurity. There are obvious signs of a needy man, these include being clingy, calling too often, telling her you miss her every minute, letting her slide while she's being bitchy just cause you want her to hang around. All these are tell tale signs of neediness and will have her running for the hills. If you do any of these things now, you MUST STOP immediately.
I have friends who I've watched do this over and over again and sure enough they all got dumped eventually. I had one particular friend who used to do this all the time. We'd be out on guys' night out and he'd call her 3 or 4 times throughout the night. He'd say, "Baby I miss you... I love you". I remember telling him repeatedly not to do this. He'd reply, "I was just checking in. She thinks it's cute". I knew he was wrong, but he was so thick headed that he never listened to me. Sure enough - a few months later, she dumped him. She was actually a friend of mine as well and after they broke up she told me that she was going to search for a real man, not a needy, clingy guy like him. She actually said, "I think I'm going to start dating jerks". She said it somewhat jokingly but I knew that she basically meant it. You can't afford to come across as a needy guy or you'll get dumped and then really be needy. So if you want to get your ex girlfriend back you must eliminate this behavior.
The second mistake men make when trying to get their ex girlfriend back is seeking approval
Guys spend a lot of time trying to feel out a woman to see what type of behavior she'll approve of. Then most guys act accordingly. They think that women will like them because they stayed within her boundaries and catered to what she wants. It's almost like they wait for cues of permission before attempting or saying anything. You need to learn to stop seeking her approval. Women hate this. They won't tell you that they don't like this, but keep this stuff up and by the end of the night you'll be sure to hear, "You're such a nice guy. I think me and you can be great friends". You are a strong, confident and powerful man! You don't need a woman's approval or permission to act how you want to act and do what you want to do. You'll see that she'll respect you for it and you'll be better able to get your ex girlfriend back.
Never ask her repeatedly if she's having a good time. This is HUGE mistake that so many guys make. Act like you're on the date to enjoy yourself. Don't be overly concerned with making sure she's having a good time. The more you ask if she's enjoying herself, the more you'll seem unsure of yourself. Convince yourself that you are a fun, great guy and any woman that doesn't see it, doesn't deserve you. So to get your ex girlfriend back make sure then the next time you see her, she sees this in you.
The third mistake men make when trying to get their ex girlfriend back; becoming predictable, lacking in mystery, excitement or spontaneity
The Latin phrase Modus operandi (often used in the abbreviated form MO) refers to a person's way of doing something. The dictionary definition is; an unvarying or habitual method of procedure. Never let women catch on to your modus operandi. This is a key facet in the art of war and it works very well at keeping a beautiful woman intrigued with you. Once a woman figures out your thinking habits and patterns she will assume she has you all figured out. As she figures out your MO she will begin to grow bored and complacent then eventually leave you for something different. If you want your ex girlfriend back don't let her know why you're doing things. Let her think one thing and then do something totally opposite. A lot of times a girl will leave a guy because she finds him boring and thinks she will have him pegged in a box.
Another problem with letting a woman in on your MO is that they can develop contempt for the way think and do things. When someone thinks they have your MO all figured out they can become condescending and begin to get annoyed with your habits. They will feel contempt and purposely try to play psychological games attempting to fracture or change your MO. It's very hard to change your MO but you must if you want to get your ex girlfriend back. You've developed your MO by processing trillions of bits of information over a very long period of time (your whole life). This is why it's important to do things against your own instincts sometimes. Try to pay attention to little thing you do and say all the time and change them up. Keep on her toes.
4th mistake men make when trying to get their ex girlfriend back
From a young age we were all taught to pay attention to, follow and even 'obey' authority figures. So it only reasonable to say that we get to a point of understand the illusive obvious that women will pay attention, respect and even obey us men if we become figures of authority in her eyes.
This reason is why a taller man would on average do better with women, because as the girl is looking upwards towards him, she subconsciously goes into a state of obedience.
She will then tend to treat the man with more respect and admiration, just because subconsciously she views him as having a higher value than her.
A good way of applying this principle when trying to get your ex girlfriend back is to become an expert or guru in her eyes. How can you achieve this? Simple tell her about topics she doesn't know and keep a few rare and unknown pieces of information in your repertoire so that you become viewed as a teacher. This is simple to do and many guys don't do it.
So now that you know this make sure that the next time you see her you become the authority figure. It's the same as in picking up women and seduction, what's the number one rule??? ALLWAYS BE COOLER THAN THE GIRL!!! Be more fascinating, more knowledgeable. Go out and read some interesting books, go live a more interesting life. Once you have this knowledge all that you need to do is use it on your next interaction with her. It sounds simple right? Well then why don't guys do this? They are too lazy to learn any fascinating topics and to prepare what they will say about it. Think of a topic you know really well. Suppose it's pool, how would you talk to a woman while teaching her to play pool? Learn to speak with her the same way while discussing other topics.